سیرت النبی ﷺ * Episode No. 026 * Title: Strict Trial

* سیرت النبی ﷺ * Episode No. 026 * Title: Strict Trial
* One day while the Holy Prophet was praying in the Ka'bah, Abu Jahl came to him and said: "Didn't I forbid you? You don't know. I'm the biggest group." Verses 4 and 5 of Surah Al-Alaq were revealed to him. Translation: So let him call his people. If he does so, we will call the footmen of Hell. Hazrat Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) says: If Abu Jahl had called his group, the angels of Allah's punishment would have seized him and destroyed him. One day Abu Jahl came to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and addressed him: "You know I'm the protector of the Batha people and I'm the most noble person here." At that time, Allah Almighty revealed verse 49 of Surah Dukhan: "Translation: Taste is very honorable." This sentence of the verse will be uttered by the angels of Hell while casting Abu Jahl. Abu Lahab was also at the forefront of the persecution of the Holy Prophet. He used to obstruct the preaching of the Holy Prophet (sws) and used to curse him. His wife Umm Jameel was also with him. She used to cut thorny wood from the forest and lay it in the path of the Holy Prophet (sws). Allah Almighty revealed Surah Al-Lahab to her. Along with Abu Lahab, his wife was also informed of the torment. ۔ When he saw Abu Lahab's wife coming, he said: "Messenger of Allah! This woman is very outspoken. If you stay here, she will hurt you." Upon hearing this, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Abu Bakr! Don't worry, she won't be able to see me." In the meantime, Umm Jameel approached. He only saw Abu Bakr Siddiq there. As soon as he came, he said: "Abu Bakr! Your friend has humiliated me. Where is your friend who reads poetry?" Abu Bakr said: "Do you see anyone with me?" "Why, I don't see anyone with you." He asked: "What do you want to do with them?" In response he said: "I want to hit him in the face with this stone. He has called me a nasty lion." She was considering the verses of Surah Al-Lahab as poetry. To this he said: "No! By Allah! They are not poets. They do not know how to say poetry, nor have they humiliated you." Hearing this, she returned. Later, Abu Bakr Siddiq asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): "O Messenger of Allah! Why couldn't she see you?" He said: "An angel hid me in his wings." According to a tradition, you said the following: "A barrier was created between me and him." One of Abu Lahab's sons was named Utbah and the other was named Utbah. Before the proclamation of Prophethood, the Holy Prophet (sws) had married his two daughters, Hazrat Ruqayyah and Hazrat Umm Kulthum, to these two sons of Abu Lahab. It was just a marriage, not a divorce. When Islam began and Surah Lahab was revealed, Abu Lahab became angry and said to his sons: "If you don't divorce Muhammad's daughters, I won't see your face." So they divorced him. (It seems that there was wisdom in this for the daughters of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). This step was taken because both of you were the daughters of the Holy Prophet (sws). On this occasion, Atiba came to the service of the Holy Prophet (sws) and insulted him. You were already sad because of your grandchildren, in which case you prayed for her: "O Allah, impose on him one of your dogs." Atiba heard this curse and returned from there. She told her father Abu Lahab the whole story. After that both father and son left for Syria with a caravan. On the way, they stopped at a place. There was a monk's shrine nearby. The monk came to them. He told them: "There are wild beasts in this area." Abu Lahab was frightened when he heard this. He remembered the curse of the Holy Prophet (sws). He said to the caravan: "You know my status and you know what I have right to you." He said in one voice: "Of course we know." On hearing this, Abu Lahab said: "Then help us. I am frightened by Muhammad's bad prayers. So you put your belongings towards this place of worship and put my son's bed on it and around it you people Make the bed This is what they did, not only that, they also put their camels around them. Thus Atiba came in the middle of them all. Now they all began to look after him. Despite all these precautions, the prophecy of the Holy Prophet (sws) was fulfilled. About midnight, a lion came there and began to sniff the sleeping people. Sniffing one by one, he kept moving, until he took a long leap and reached Atiba. Just then, he tore it to pieces and killed it. Another incident of harassment took place when one day the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was praying in the Masjid al-Haram. Some animals were slaughtered nearby. They offered sacrifices in the name of their idols. A herd of these animals was still lying there. In such a situation, Abu Jahl said: "Is there anyone who puts this veil on Muhammad?" According to a tradition, someone said: "Don't you see this scene? Which of you goes to the place where some tribe has slaughtered animals, their dung, lead, blood and feces are lying there. Someone should go there and pick up the dirt and prostrate to Muhammad." Wait for him to leave. Then, as soon as he prostrates, he puts the dirt between his shoulders. " Then one of the polytheists got up. His name was Aqaba bin Abi Mu'ayt. He was the most miserable of his people. He went and lifted the veil. When he went to prostrate, he placed the veil over him. The polytheists laughed out loud at this. They even stopped laughing and fell on each other. In such a situation, someone told this to Hazrat Fatima Al-Zahra. She came to the harem crying. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was in the same prostration and the veil was on his shoulders. Syeda Fatima (may Allah be pleased with her) removed the veil from her. Then he got up from prostration and stood in the state of prayer. After the prayer, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) prayed for them: "O Allah, you must punish the Quraysh, O Allah, you must punish the Quraysh, O Allah, you must punish the Quraysh." The Quraysh, who were bursting with laughter, lost their laughter as soon as they heard this curse. Because of this curse, they became terrified. Then he cursed by name: "O Allah, punish Amr ibn Hisham (ie Abu Jahl), Aqaba ibn Abi Mu'it and Umayya ibn Khalaf." Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (may Allah be pleased with him) says: "By Allah, the Quraysh whom the Prophet (peace be upon him) mentioned, I saw them lying in the dust and blood in the battle of Badr, and then their bodies were thrown into a pit. A similar incident is narrated by Hazrat Usman Ghani (RA) as follows: One day the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was performing Tawaf. At that time his hand was in the hand of Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra). There were three men sitting by the Black Stone. When he passed by the Black Stone and approached them. When he arrived, the three of them uttered a few words on his blessed caste. Hearing these words, he was hurt. Signs of pain appeared on his face. In the second turn, Abu Jahl said: "You prevent us from worshiping the gods our ancestors worshiped, but we cannot make peace with you." The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) replied: "It's the same with me." Then you moved on. He said the same thing in the third round. Then in the fourth turn, all three of them rushed towards you at once. Reference !!!!!!!! You can quote from Shah Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlavi's Madarij-ul-Nabwa, Qazi Ayaz Maliki's Sharh Shafa Ali Haqooq Mustafa and Shaykh-ul-Hadith Maulana Abdul Mustafa Azmi's Sira-ul-Nabi and other books


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